About FRWD

Wisconsin’s energy infrastructure is remarkable. It powers residences, businesses and the state’s economy; it ensures a high quality of life for all.

Yet there are challenges that must be recognized and addressed:

  • It is important that each Wisconsinite pays a fair rate for power.
  • Everyone in the state must have full access to affordable energy, as well as to complete information about energy issues.
  • Wisconsin’s aging infrastructure requires upgrades and maintenance so that the flow of power continues to be reliable.

These are the issues that FRWD looks to power forward.

Fair Rates for Wisconsin’s Dairyland (FRWD) brings together representatives of organized labor with large and small energy providers and consumers.

It is our mission to promote the value of Wisconsin’s electric system, champion equitable funding and lead the discussion – including an emphasis on fairness, affordability, and reliability.

An important focus of the organization is to advocate for the hard-working men and women who build, operate, and maintain the electric system and for workers whose jobs and livelihood depend on reliable electricity.  

As well, FRWD:

  • Promotes the value of Wisconsin’s electric system.
  • Champions equitable funding.
  • Supports the promise of innovation found in research and development of new technologies that have the potential to increase efficiency and lower the cost of the delivery of electricity.
  • Champions fair and equitable funding for the operation of our electric system and the application of the principle of cost causation in the creation of distribution tariffs and electric rates.
  • Supports all types of electricity generation and believes a diverse generation portfolio is in the best interest of the consumer. FRWD is not opposed to the expansion of distributed generation.
  • Engages in public education, such as helping to explain complex utility regulation concepts and to provide insight as to the positive impact utilities have on the Wisconsin economy. 
  • Supports the regulatory compact and our energy providers’ right to serve.


“Forward” is Wisconsin’s motto and the motto that helped mold this organization’s name. Wisconsin’s energy providers drive our state forward by contributing more than $20 billion to the state’s economy annually and employing tens of thousands of skilled workers who build, operate and maintain the electric system.

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